
Gujarat Women Economic Development Corporation Ltd. (GWEDC)

Under the sponsorship of Gujarat Women Economic Development Corporation Ltd. (GWEDC), Govt. of Gujarat, EDII initiated one-year programme in 2020 focussing on developing the entrepreneurial capacity of women and enabling them to build their business resources to ensure sustainable income through enterprise creation.


Food Processing Sector

In 2003-04, the Ministry of Food Processing, Govt. of India assigned to EDII the task of promoting and creating new enterprises across the country by conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.


Programmes For The Disadvantaged Sections Of Society

Under support of National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. Of India, EDII conducts 4-week Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for SC/ST youth. The programmes cover the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Assam.


Skill And Entrepreneurship Development Programme For Tourism Sector

At the behest of Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd. (TCGL), EDII has been conducting ‘Skill and Entrepreneurship Development Training programmes’ for stakeholders associated with the Tourism sector. Especially designed, 15-day programmes focus on enhancing skills of participants


Srinagar Mega Carpet Cluster

EDII functions as Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for Srinagar Mega Carpet Cluster Project under Comprehensive Handicraft Cluster Development Project of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. The objective of the project is to facilitate development of mega carpet cluster, with necessary infrastructure support and modern production facilities to enable the industry to meet various legal and trade commitments.


Hastkala Setu Yojana

As knowledge partner to the Commissionerate of Cottage Industries, Government of Gujarat, EDII is working on conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating an integrated model to strengthen the cottage & rural entrepreneurship ecosystem in the state.


Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme

EDII has been roped in as a National Resource Organisation (NRO) for implementing the largest PAN-India rural poverty eradication programme, the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP). SVEP is the sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) with the objective of helping Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their family members to set-up small enterprises in the non-farm sector.


Centre for Empowerment of Differently Abled (CEDA)

State and Societies have continually sought to institute plans and methods to evolve an inclusive approach to growth so that the struggles of the disadvantaged and the deprived could be reduced, and they could be integrated in the mainstream social structure. Several amiable policies and approaches have been put in place to ensure their wellbeing, including that of the differently abled whose daily struggles for living and livelihood are overwhelming.