
To Retain Global Leadership in Fostering
and Developing Entrepreneurship.

Become a leading resource centre of knowledge management pertaining to various aspects of entrepreneurship.
Promote entrepreneurship through education, training, applied research and institution-building.
Augment the pool of entrepreneurs in different sectors and constituencies in accordance with national priorities and programmes.
Help existing SMEs and family managed businesses improve their entrepreneurial competencies and develop cadres of trainers in entrepreneurship
Facilitate interface with policymakers and foster networks with Central and State Governments, Entrepreneurship Development Institutions, Industry and other stakeholders.
Assist in capacity building, training and institution in the field of entrepreneurship with focus on innovation, incubation and digitalization at national and international levels.
Integrity - ingrained deeply with honesty in work, action and institutional dealings
Dedication - reflected in ethical work culture, professional behaviour and committed excellence
Excellence - displayed in pursuit of amiable behaviour, ethical work and entrepreneurial qualities
Accountability - to the mother institution for all work, action and deeds
Inclusivity - in diversities reflected in a work culture that welcomes potential entrepreneurs and talents from diverse background, socio-economic status and geographical locations.