Gopal Kumar Roy
Assistant Professor (Grade-I)

- B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
- Executive MBA
Areas of Specialization
- MSME Development,
- Cluster Development
- Project Management
- Start-Ups & Incubation,
- Training and Guidance
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Lean Management and Institutions
Gopal Kumar Roy
Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
Projects :
- Industrial MSME Cluster Development under MSE-CDP, DC(MSME), M/o MSME, Govt. of India
- Traditional Cluster Development under SFURTI, DC(MSME), M/o MSME, Govt. of India
- ‘Handmade in India’ cluster project at Surendranagar, Gujarat
- ESDP and Digital MSME for clusters under CLCS-TUS, DC(MSME), M/o MSME, Govt. of India
- Online Capacity Building and Offline EDP Programmes, National SC-ST Hub, M/o MSME, Govt. of India
- Lean implementation in clusters under LMCS, National Productivity Council
- Digital Financial Literacy Programme for clusters under PSIG, SIDBI
- Physical Verification of PMEGP Units in Odisha for 2011-12 & 12-13, KVIC
- Certificate programme on “Business Plan Preparation and Appraisal” supported by SIDBI, 2016
- Certificate Course in Project Management, 2017
- Biography
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
- Associations
An engineer, management consultant, start-up evangelist and a trainer, Mr. Roy holds more than 9 years of work experience in the MSME, start-up and incubation domains. He has provided consulting services in MSME assignments across industrial and traditional clusters and has conducted training and capacity building programs for various stakeholders. His areas of interest and experience include cluster development, business-plan / DPR preparation, execution and project management, monitoring & evaluation, technology transfer, design thinking process, development of business models and BDS & market development.
Conferences/Seminars attended:
-‘Innovation Ambassador Certificate’ by MoE’s Innovation Cell and AICTE 2021
-Completed ‘Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification’ under MSME-TDC (Agra)2021
-Completed course on ‘Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Development’ under MSME-TDC (Agra) 2020
-Trained on ‘SIYB’ module by ILO
- Taken sessions during ‘FDP in Entrepreneurship’ organized by EDII and supported by DST, GoI
- Coordinated 5-day ‘Certificate course in Project Management’ orgnaised by EDII and KIIT University
- Coordinated 3-day ‘EDP on Business Plan Preparation and Appraisal’ organized by EDII and SIDBI
- Coordinated a Round Table meet of Cashew processing clusters with WTC, IDBI Bank, exporters etc
- Attended 3 day Training programme on Cluster Implementation organized by FMC, NewDelhi
- Attended a Workshop on ‘Management & Art of Patenting in ICT & Embedded System: ‘An appropriate route for commercialization’ organized by DietY, M/o Communication & IT, GoI
- Attended Portlore 2014 – An event on Port, Logistics & Resources by Paradeep Port Trust and Tefla’s
- Attended the DST- Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme by DST, GoI and FICCI 2014
- Coordinated as ambassador of Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award 2013 given by IIM-A
-Led a project on ‘Waste Management and Energy Efficiency’ 2011
-Attended a 3-days seminar at IIT- MADRAS on Energy Auditing
- Founding Member of Global Links Impact Investment Forum (GLIIF)
- Invitee Member of MSME Guide
- Founding Member of Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES) Odisha